Welders from Poland, welders steel construction workers, labor agency provides welders, shipyard workers from Poland
We are looking for 2 welders 135/136 - Sweden, Skane. Work from 03.07 for a few months. Required experience and communicative knowledge of English. The rate is 240 sec/h gross. Employees start their day at 07:00 from the headquarters in Bromölla and then drive to their workplace. Weekly working time is 50 hours. Paid accommodation cost 200sek per day (single room). If the accommodation is more than a 10-minute walk from work, the company provides a car for employees at the expense of the company, employees pay for fuel. Payments once a month, on the 25th of each month. Employment by a Swedish company on Swedish terms. If you are interested, please contact me or add an additional CV to rekrutacja@findworker.pl with the note "2 welders 135/136-Sweden".
If you are looking for workers from Poland to your customers, you can have them with us. We are searching workers and we send them to agencies, but we do not hire them. Since 2015 we have sent to 20 European agencies over 500 Polish workers, many workers work till today. Contact us on polandworker.com and send details what kind of workers you need, we are paid for workers working hours.